Brown or gray shaggy fur with gray or off-white underside; scale-covered ears and tail; 7 to 9 1/2 inches in length including tail

Diet: Norway rats are omnivores and will eat from a variety of food sources including meats, dead animals, cereal, and even pet food.
Habitat: Norway rats are nocturnal and forage at dusk and prior to dawn, preferring to hide during the day. These rodents prefer to make colonies near sources of water like beside riverbanks and while highly adaptable, they thrive in human habitats. Outdoors, Norway rats live in fields and farmlands. Indoors, they often nest in basements or piles of materials.
Threats: Norway rats are carriers of various diseases that can spread to humans through their urine and feces, or by contaminating food and surfaces. They often cause damage to buildings by chewing on wiring and damaging foundations with their burrows
Control: For preventative measures and to limit the chance of infestation, seal holes or cracks to remove entry points, and eliminate moisture in locations like crawlspaces and basements. Norway rats are drawn to wood, so keep debris and firewood away from the home.