Cockroach Exterminator Services
Cockroaches are a nuisance and carry a range of diseases that can cause allergic reactions in people and pets. They are also one of the most difficult of pests to control, and when there is one, there are others to follow.
You need a pest control company that can target the source and control your cockroach problems, that’s where our pest exterminators at Pest Solutions come in.
Call Pest Solutions today at (804) 406-9606 to get back to enjoying your home with our cockroach control services!

Our Cockroach Control Process
- Conduct a detailed inspection of your property
- Identify the species of cockroach and the severity of the infestation
- Apply bait and other cockroach control products in suspected areas of activity and seal ground level pest entry points
- Create a detailed service report describing the treatment
- Provide prevention and control tips to avoid further infestations
Roaches Species

Smokey Brown Roach
Dark brown or black, shiny in color; oval with wings that extend their body; about 1 inch in length ...

Oriental Roach
Dark reddish brown to black, glossy; oval, males have three-quarter-length wings; about 1 inch in length ...

German Roach
Light brown to tan with two almost parallel stripes located on the back of their heads; oval with wings; 1/2 – 5/8 inch in length ...

Brownbanded Roach
Brown with light brown or tan banding across wings; oval; around 1/2 inch in length ...

American Roach
Reddish brown with a yellow band around the head; oval with wings; around 1 to 2 inches in length ...