Pests can infest any interior and exterior areas. Most are commonly found in both areas and throughout homes and businesses, but here we will discuss ones commonly found in kitchens.
1) Ants
There are many species of ants and you’re likely to see any number of these in kitchens. They are attracted to kitchens by food, moisture, and grease residue from cooking. Ants can access kitchens via many avenues including making their way through tiny openings in window frames and will even build nests in wall voids. Ants follow pheromone trails that others leave which is why they’re often spotted marching in line. Since ants are so invasive and often their nests are hidden, it can be frustrating to attempt to knock them out completely using DIY pest control methods.
2) Cockroaches
Perhaps the most disturbing pest you may encounter in a kitchen is a cockroach. This pest will seek out food and scraps left from cooking and once they discover a food source they will settle in and lay eggs, quickly multiplying. It’s not uncommon to see cockroach feces and their egg sacs where they’ve infested. Cockroaches can find their way in through many routes. They can even be hidden in packages that are delivered, especially in cardboard. To help prevent them from being brought in this way it’s a good idea to immediately take any packaging outside to recycle or trash containers.
3) Rodents
Rodents, such as mice and rats, have a way of sniffing out food and will discover even the tiniest crumbs. These pests can infest any area in homes and businesses and certainly will find their way into kitchens. Mice can squeeze through tiny gaps less than an inch wide. They can get in via holes or gaps in foundations, walls, floors, and windows. If you seal up any noticeable openings or cracks, especially those that lead to the exterior it can help prevent them from getting in, but rodent infestations can get out of control fast since they breed very quickly.
4) Pantry Moths
These pests are also known as the Indian meal moths. They spend almost their entire life cycle, which is only about 30 days, in food containers or bags. The adults lay their eggs in the food. This happens often in warehouses or other food storage areas before you purchase it from a store. Infestations begin inadvertently when you unsuspectingly bring home contaminated food packages. It’s a good idea to take a peek at food such as large bags of flour, rice, and boxed dry goods. If you see any suspect, off-color bits it could be insect larvae or eggs and that item shouldn’t be consumed. A good habit if you’re not using a product such as a large bag of sugar or flour right away, is to consider storing it in an airtight container.
Oftentimes it takes professional pest control to get rid of an infestation. Pests can multiply quickly and without being seen. At Pest Solutions we use eco-friendly products to effectively handle your pest concerns. Our team of professionals will discuss the options and answer any questions you have. Call us today for a free pest control quote and inspection at (804) 406-9606.