With warmer temperatures, the pests start emerging seemingly all of a sudden. Before you know it they’re everywhere. You always hope they stay outside but some can take up residence indoors too. Let’s discuss some of the most common spring pests in Virginia.
Ticks, Fleas, and Mosquitoes
As cold weather comes to an end so does the break from being bitten by these pests. Ticks, fleas and mosquitoes are perhaps the most troublesome pests that emerge in the spring. They don’t necessarily die off in winter, they can be dormant just waiting for the weather to warm up. It is then that you will notice these blood suckers.
These pests can not only cause itchy bites but can spread a multitude of diseases. The lone star tick has a distinctive white mark on its back, and is one to look out for. This species can cause humans to develop allergic reactions, such as alpha-gal disease. Victims of this disease can develop allergies to ingesting mammal meat. It’s recommended to prepare for the onslaught of these parasites by taking their presence seriously. Prevention and proactive measures will help reduce exposure. Be aware of any problem areas in your yard. This usually includes overgrown grass and low hanging tree limbs and bushes. Keeping your yard maintained will reduce large populations of pests and emptying containers with standing water will help reduce pests like mosquitoes.
Bees and Wasps
As temps rise so does the presence of bees and wasps. Although they don’t always pose a threat, they can build nests in inconvenient places resulting in painful encounters. This is especially risky if you or a family member have reactions to their stings. Allergic reactions can send unfortunate victims to the emergency room.
Avoiding exposure is pretty simple if you know where a nest is before you happen upon it, although this isn’t always possible. Bees and wasps can nest anywhere from inside your walls to high up in a tree. They do have some preferred areas. Typically they don’t want to be in direct sunlight so they will seek shady areas on porches or under decks. Many ground dwelling bees and wasps such as the yellow jacket, which is small like the size of a fly with yellow bands on its body, and is very aggressive, are hard to see until you disturb them.
Venomous Snakes
Snakes are beneficial as they prey on many pests that you don’t want around, like rodents for example. Sometimes snakes can pose a threat to humans and pets, if they’re venomous.
Most snakes you’ll see in Virginia are non-aggressive black snakes or other species that actually can help control venomous snake populations. Copperheads are a species that is plentiful in Virginia and can pose serious danger to humans and pets. These snakes have a pattern resembling an hourglass and vertical pupils. There are some preventative measures you can take such as removing debris piles and keeping your lawn cut. Snakes generally don’t like to be exposed so they will seek out places to hide.
These are just a few of the common springtime pests in Virginia. They are most often found outdoors but can take up residence indoors, making their way in easily through open doorways and windows. Taking some proactive measures can help, but sometimes professional removal is needed. Battling pests on your own can be overwhelming. Many pest infestations get out of control and DIY methods can be frustrating and ineffective.
Pest Solutions is your trusted, local pest control company. Our professional technicians have the experience and equipment to take care of pests year round. Give us a call today at (804) 406-9606 and let us get those pest problems under control so you can enjoy the lovely Virginia spring weather.