Bed bugs are disturbing insects to find since they feed on the blood of humans and animals. These pests have been on the rise and can easily hitch a ride from places you visit to unsuspecting homes through clothing and furniture as well as other materials.
Bed bugs can be difficult to spot, but if you know what to look for, active infestations can typically be seen. A professional pest control service is your best option to properly identify and eliminate bed bug infestations.
These are the common signs of an infestation, including tips to prevent them and what to do if you suspect a bed bug infestation.
1. Identifying Bed Bugs, Their Exoskeletons, and Eggs
Adult bed bugs are reddish-brown, wingless, and about the size of an apple seed. They appear flat with oval-shaped bodies. Young bed bugs, or nymphs, are very small and translucent or yellowish. If nymphs have not recently fed, spotting them at this stage can be a challenge. Bed bugs tend to hide in crevices during the day so they are most often spotted at night.
Bed bugs shed their exoskeletons as they grow, leaving small, translucent shells. These shells are usually found near the bed bug’s hiding spots. Finding their shells in bedding, mattress seams, or other furniture is an indicator of bed bug activity. Their eggs, which are tiny and white, can be found in similar areas. Finding live bugs, shells, and eggs is a sign of a severe infestation requiring quick action to eradicate them.
2. Black Specks or Red Smudges on Bedding
Bed bugs leave evidence of their droppings in the form of red or black specks. These spots are typically small and can be found in clusters in the seams of mattresses and furniture, along bed frames, and baseboards. The droppings will be red-colored but will become darker and black when older.
Sometimes, you’ll notice red, or rusty spots on your bedding, mattress, or furniture when their fecal matter is smeared. Since they feed on blood it will typically be a tell-tale sign when you see these discolored stains on linens.
3. Pets Showing Signs of Itchiness
Bed bugs prefer to feed on humans instead of dogs and cats but are known to feed on just about any animal that is in the infested area. When they bite your pet, you will typically see red bumps in areas where there is little to no hair such as your pet’s belly
While other pests could be the cause of your dog or cat’s itching, spotting irritated bumps and no other pests, along with other signs of bed bugs may mean they are the culprit. If you notice an infestation and your pet is affected consult a veterinary office for treatment options to relieve the itching.
4. Visible Bites on Your Skin
One of the most common signs of a bed bug infestation is the appearance of small, red, itchy bites on your skin. These bites often appear in a linear pattern or clusters. The bites can be easily mistaken for other insect bites, but they typically show up on exposed areas of the skin such as arms, neck, legs, and face. They can easily be confused with bites from other insects or allergic reactions, so it’s essential to look for additional signs to confirm the presence of bed bugs.
A bed bug bite can take time to develop after exposure. It’s not uncommon to have marks that start to appear several days and up to two weeks after being bitten. This is because they inject an anesthetic that prevents you from feeling the discomfort right away. Some people have more severe reactions than others and will have larger, redder bumps when bitte
5. Unpleasant Musty Odor
Bed bugs release pheromones that can produce a musty, sweet odor, similar to the smell of moldy shoes or wet towels. This odor may become more noticeable as the infestation grows. If you detect an unusual odor that resembles this smell in your bedroom or living areas, it could be a sign that bed bugs are infesting your home, especially if other signs are present.
After a professional pest control company treats the bed bug infestation, a thorough cleaning of any infested areas, washing and drying bedding, and plenty of ventilation will help diminish the musty smell.
Preventing and Treating Bed Bug Infestations
A common risk of exposure to bed bugs happens during travel and staying in rooms where there are infestations. With the holiday season approaching follow these bed bug prevention tips during travel to reduce the risk of infestations.
Learn more about these pests and how we treat bed bug infestations. One of the most effective ways to prevent a bed bug infestation is to be aware of the signs and get a professional to inspect your home if any infestations are suspected. Call Pest Solutions at (804) 405-9606 for a free inspection or fill out our online form.