Pretty much any type of pest can bite you from ants to rodents. Some bites are more serious than others and some can even lead to a hospital visit. It’s important to be aware of these pests and seek medical attention if concerned about a bite.
1) Ticks
These parasitic blood suckers are perhaps the worst to get bitten by. There are many species and some carry serious diseases. Lyme disease is spread by ticks called black legged or deer ticks. The longer the tick stays on you the greater the chance of infection. Most tick bites leave an itchy red mark that improves over the course of a couple days. If the bite is from a tick infected with Lyme disease there can be a bullseye type rash that will appear. It’s important to remove ticks from you and your pets promptly and properly. There will often be an itchy bump where the tick was attached. Follow up with your doctor if you suspect you’ve been exposed to any tick-borne disease, or are experiencing a serious reaction.
2) Mosquitoes
Mosquitoes leave itchy bites, although they don’t latch on like ticks these pests are known to carry diseases like ticks. Mosquito bites have been linked to Zika, Malaria and West Nile virus, amongst others. Dogs can be infected with heartworm disease from mosquitoes. It’s not uncommon to have multiple bites if you are attacked by swarming mosquitoes. Typically you will just have a red itchy area for a day or two then it will subside. If a fever or other unusual symptoms develop it’s advisable to schedule a visit with your physician.
3) Spiders
Spiders are beneficial insects as they eat many of the pests that you don’t want around, yet spiders can often become a nuisance. Most spiders are harmless, but there are some that can inflict a painful bite. They aren’t typically aggressive but will bite if disturbed. Black widow spiders and brown recluse spiders are two to be aware of that are the more common “harmful” spiders in the Mid-Atlantic Virginia area. Black widows like to make nests in dark spaces away from too much activity. They have very sloppy webs and you usually won’t even see these spiders unless you happen upon them. Their bite can range from just an irritated bump to a hospital visit. Though this spider is generally very small it has very potent venom.
The brown recluse spider gets its name from its color and its shy nature. The brown recluse likes to find dark, sheltered hiding places. If the venomous brown recluse bites you, you might not feel a thing, although some people might feel a sharp sting. Bites may become painful within a few hours, but not always. Oftentimes you won’t even know you’ve been bitten until the spider is long gone, and you’re left wondering what bit you. The reaction to the bite may range from mild to severe. Their bite can cause an area of necropsy, meaning the tissue surrounding it begins to die. If you notice an area on your skin that is of concern you should follow up with your doctor.
These are just a few of the common pests that can bite. Taking precautions by applying bug spray when outdoors can help. If you’re experiencing an infestation and need professional pest service contact Pest Solutions and let us handle those pest problems for you. Contact us at (804) 406-9606.